Series Description: We all travel certain lanes in life. On a long trip, as life is, we can tend to drift and subtle adjustments are all that’s needed. At other times we may go off-roading and have such a disconnect with pavement that a reintroduction to asphalt and “lanes” is necessary. This series approaches ‘keeping it in God’s Lane’ from several different perspectives. Understanding God’s Lane is crucial. Seeing how Jesus completes or fulfills that definition is also paramount. We will apply these discoveries to practical daily living. “Sanctify” or “Grow” area of discipleship with some carry-over in our “Glorify” or “Serve” area as well.

Sermon Description: This is the last sermon in the series, “Keeping It In God’s Lane.” We get a big dose of God’s restoration power in these passages. The exiles are restored to their former land with joyous weeping, singing and shouting and blind Bartimaeus has his sight restored by Jesus. For us this means while staying in God’s lane we need not act like the older brother in the story of the Good Samaritan (which is not part of the Lection for this Sunday). He was totally against the restoration of the younger brother. Our judgement and bitterness need to be checked if we want to keep it in God’s Lane.

Keeping It In God's Lane